Typical Akwa Ibom Traditional Marriage List


Traditional Marriage requirements in most parts of Nigeria vary based on Culture and belief of a particular ethnic group or Family. In most cases, some families usually  make their list with regards to if their daughter is the First Daughter, Second Daughter or otherwise.
Apart from a list made for a fresh Marriage, some Families would also serve lists with additional items to a Man who had already been with their daughter without following the legal processes. Below is a typical traditional marriage List from a family in Akwa Ibom State:

Insult to the Family
For making her have a baby before "marriage"
1. One She Goat
2. One bottle of St. Remy
3. Two Carton of Star Beer
4. Two crates of soft drinks
5. One bottle of native gin
6. Two Bottles of wine
7. N10,000.00

Consultation marriage list for the father (MBUP)

1. 2 bottles of three in one whisky
2. 1 carton of Explendido Brandy
3. 10 litres of native gin
4. 10 cartons of star beer
5. 6 bottles of Gordon Gin
6. 3 cartons of small stout
7. 1 carton of wine
8. 10 Jars of palm wine
9. 3 Heads of Tobacco
10. 3 line stones
11. 3 bunches of cola nuts
12. 1 bottle of grinding sniff
13. 1 roll of Benson and hedges cigarettes
14. 1 packet of matches
15. cash of N5,000.00 for breaking of cola

Full Proper Marriage List for the father

1. 2 pieces of hollandis Wax
2. 1 Chieftaincy shirt
3. 1 hat
4. 1 big towel
5. 1 pair of shoes and socks
6. 1 walking stick
7. 1 wrist watch
8. 1 dozen underwear
9. 1 she goat with N10,000 for cutting goats head
10. Matchet with cover and beet
11. 15 cartons of star beer
12. 5 cartons of champion beer
13. 2 cartons of brandy
14. 3 bottles of 3 in one whisky
15. 1 caron of wine (Don Morris)
16. 5 crates of minerals (Soft drinks)
17. 4 crates of Guinness malt
18. 4 heads of Tobacco
19. 1 bottle of grinding snuff
20. 4 line stones
21. 4 bunches of cola nuts
22. 1 smal basin and knife for the cola nuts
23. 15 Jars of palm win
24. 20 liters of native gin
25. 1 modern brief case with N150,000

For the mother consultation (MBUP)

1. 6 bottles of campari
2. 4 crates of minerals (soft drinks)
3. 2 crates of Guinness Malts
4. I piece of English wax
5. 1 blouse
6. 1 basin with cover full of crayfish
7. 1 Head tie
8. 2 bags of salt
9. basin with pepper

For the Mother Full marriage (proper marriage)

1. 2 pieces of Dutch Wax and one lase
2. 3 assorted blouses
3. head tie (canopy)
4. 2 Paris of shoes
5. one wrist watch + 1 dozen of brassiers
6. 1 hand bag and 6 underwear
7. 1 big basin full of crayfish with cover
8. 1 big basin full of pepper with cover
9. 3 bags of salt
10. 1 umbrella
11. 1 suit case with N50,000
12. 1 caton of Eva wine
13. 1 big bottle of Yago wine
14. 4 crates of Guinness malt
15. 4 crates of minerals (soft ddrinks)
16. 1 bag of rice
17. 5 tubers of yams

Nto Ete (family members)

1. 3 cartons of star beer
2. 1 bottles of St. Remy
3. 3 Jars of palm wine
4. 1 roll of besson and hedges cigarette
5. 1 packets of matches
6. Nka Ekong of N10,000


1. Football
2. 1 bottle of gin
3. 1 roll of St. Morris cigarette
4. 1 packet of matches
5. N2,000

Iban Nda Usung (Women Vanguard)

1. 1 bottle of wine
2. 1 crates of minerals (soft drink)
3. N1,500 in cash

Grand Father (Uncle)

1. piece of wax loin cloth
2. 1 long sleaves shirt
3. 1 bottle of brandy
4. 1 wrist watch.

EDem Eka

1. 1 carton of beer
2. 1 bottle of brandy
3. 1 Jar of palm wine
4. 1 piece of English wax
5. 1 long sleaves shirt
6. 1 bag of salt
